AB İstişari Heyet Raporu - Peer Review Mission Report Turkey
6-10 Aralık 2010 tarihinde AB üye ülkelerinden uzmanların katıldığı inceleme ziyaretleri sonrasında Hollandalı Uzman Gert Jan Van Holk tarafından hazırlanan raporun giriş bölümünü aşağıda bulabilirsiniz.
Raporun İngilizce tam metni için tıklayınız.
- The objective of this peer review mission was to evaluate the progress in the area of border management and asylum and migration and to formulate recommendations to the Turkish authorities as to their further improvement.
- Participants of peer review mission: Three teams focussed on border management and examined the situation at the different geographic land and sea borders of Turkey. The two other teams focussed on asylum and migration.
- The general programme consisted of a preparatory meeting with the EU delegation and a briefing with the Turkish authorities, as well as debriefings with the EU delegation and representatives of EU Member States’ embassies and a debriefing with the Turkish authorities.
- Programme on Asylum and Migration:
i) Ankara: meeting with representatives of the Turkish ministries of Interior (Migration and Asylum Bureau) and Foreign Affairs and the General Directorate of Security; meeting with representatives of civil society; visit to Ankara removal center; meetings with UNHCR and IOM;
ii) Nigde: meetings with deputee-governor, head of foreigners police, NGO Association for Solidarity with Asylum seekers and Migrants (ASAM), refugees;
iii) Hatay: meetings with head of Foreigners police; visit to removal center; meeting with UNHCR lawyer;
iv) Agri: meeting with Governor, visit to removal center, meeting with refugees, meeting with head of security;
- Participants of asylum and migration team, to which I participated: Alessandro Budai, Karolina Hansson (both EU delegation Ankara), Gert Jan Van Holk (national expert)
- Cooperation with Turkish authorities; The mission experienced the full cooperation of the Turkish authorities, both at national and at local level. The mission was very well organised, for which we would like to express our gratitude to the Turkish authorities – in the first place to the EUSG. The Turkish authorities with whom the mission met (governors, heads of police, foreigners police) were very cooperative and forth-coming and provided the mission with all sorts of information. They accompanied the mission during their visits, e.g. to removal centers.
- The mission had several meetings with representatives of NGO’s, UNHCR and IOM as well as meetings with individual asylum seekers, refugees and persons in removal centers.
- This mission report reflects the findings and opinions of the undersigned national expert.